Multi-species Gallery | Northern Gallery | Bass
Click on any of the above links to see photos of trophy channel catfish, trophy walleyes and other fish caught by some of Cat Eye Outfitter's guests! If you have any questions about fishing in Manitoba surf on over to the "Fishing Manitoba Bulletin Board"(which is part of this site.)
A picture says a thousand words -- or so the saying goes. On the linked pages given above you'll find some of the different species of fish angled for by Cat Eye Outfitter. These photos are but one component of a full Manitoba Fishing experience. Think about it, the smell of that clean crisp Canadian air, a warm breeze running through your hair, the distant thunder, a panoramic sunset, a friend's laugh, that mosquito picking at your bones!
The camera for us has been a silent witness to what many have called unbelievable fishing for gigantic walleye and channel catfish. This is the virtue of the camera: It gives us what it sees --- or does it? In some of the pictures I've taken I've come to realize that even photography is far from being a cut and dry representation of the fish people catch. Really, when you get right down to it, it's the whole fishing experience that counts! As for the camera, knowing how to compose that photo(with angler and fish as subjects)in whatever context a fish is caught in makes or breaks a photograph. Well, as with angling, there's always something to learn!
A CD of photos taken with our NIKON camera can be supplied to our guests once their day has been completed. You can request to receive your copy in the mail. File format will be .JPG with a resolution of 10 MP.
We can also provide digital videos for our guests upon request. Cat Eye Outfitter has numerous clips of our fishing action up on YOU TUBE
Changes to this section of the site will occur over time. Please stop by every now and then to see if any new photos have been put up.
Please note that if you are unable to view any pictures on any of the pages you can always return to this page. If you find any broken links, feel free to report them to
Hope to see you out on the water.......or better yet, on the water and on these pages
If you would like to use any of the photos that you find on this site, please contact Cat Eye Outfitter for permission.
For more information E-Mail:
or call
1-888-CAT-EYEE (228-3933)